└─ 西游记 英文版动画全集 视频+音频+剧本+生词注解 ->
├─ 剧本 ->
├─ 001. Journey to the West 1 - The Monkey.pdf - 4.6M
├─ 006. Journey to the West 6 - The Dragon King.pdf - 5.5M
├─ 004. Journey to the West 4 - Secret Formulas.pdf - 5.4M
├─ 005. Journey to the West 5 - The Demon of Chaos.pdf - 5.6M
├─ 003. Journey to the West 3 - Subodhi.pdf - 5.5M
├─ 002. Journey to the West 2 - The Waterfall Cave.pdf - 5.1M
├─ 041. Journey to the West 41 - A Trade.pdf - 3.5M
├─ 064. Journey to the West 64 - Magnificent Silk Vests.pdf - 4.1M
├─ 051. Journey to the West 51 - Guanyin Becomes Angry.pdf - 3.6M
├─ 045. Journey to the West 45 - The Treasure in the Well.pdf - 4.3M
├─ 057. Journey to the West 57 - A Guessing Game.pdf - 3.7M
├─ 047. Journey to the West 47 - Two Tang Monks.pdf - 4.8M
├─ 067. Journey to the West 67 - The Master Thief.pdf - 3.7M
├─ 042. Journey to the West 42 - Sun Kongwu.pdf - 3.3M
├─ 059. Journey to the West 59 - Scared Villagers.pdf - 4M
├─ 069. Journey to the West 69 - The Stabbing Pain.pdf - 4.1M
├─ 060. Journey to the West 60 - Snow!.pdf - 3.9M
├─ 049. Journey to the West 49 - Red Boy.pdf - 3.4M
├─ 061. Journey to the West 61 - The Demon under the Ice.pdf - 3.3M
├─ 070. Journey to the West 70 - The Star Lord.pdf - 3.8M
├─ 058. Journey to the West 58 - The Meditation Contest.pdf - 3.4M
├─ 040. Journey to the West 40 - The Magic Gourd.pdf - 3.4M
├─ 048. Journey to the West 48 - The Scared Boy.pdf - 3.8M
├─ 044. Journey to the West 44 - The King's Ghost.pdf - 3.2M
├─ 063. Journey to the West 63 - A Question for Buddha.pdf - 3.9M
├─ 065. Journey to the West 65 - The Metal Ring.pdf - 3.7M
├─ 043. Journey to the West 43 - A Visit from Laozi.pdf - 3.5M
├─ 068. Journey to the West 68 - The Woman in the Crowd.pdf - 4.4M
├─ 050. Journey to the West 50 - Magic Fire.pdf - 3.5M
├─ 039. Journey to the West 39 - The Injured Monk.pdf - 3.8M
├─ 055. Journey to the West 55 - The Monks and the Cart.pdf - 3.5M
├─ 054. Journey to the West 54 - The River God.pdf - 3.8M
├─ 046. Journey to the West 46 - One Thousand Pills.pdf - 4.3M
├─ 056. Journey to the West 56 - The Tiger Immortal.pdf - 4.1M
├─ 066. Journey to the West 66 - Help from Heaven.pdf - 4.4M
├─ 052. Journey to the West 52 - An Ocean from a Vase.pdf - 3M
├─ 053. Journey to the West 53 - The Man in the Canoe.pdf - 3.2M
├─ 062. Journey to the West 62 - The Goldfish in the Basket.pdf - 3.7M
├─ 019. Journey to the West 19 - An Evil Plan.pdf - 5.4M
├─ 029. Journey to the West 29 - The Magic Sleeve.pdf - 5.4M
├─ 020. Journey to the West 20 - The Black Bear Spirit.pdf - 4.9M
├─ 027. Journey to the West 27 - The Ginseng Fruit.pdf - 5.3M
├─ 032. Journey to the West 32 - Lady Whitebone.pdf - 5.8M
├─ 021. Journey to the West 21 - The Monster's Friend.pdf - 5M
├─ 017. Journey to the West 17 - The Dragon in the River.pdf - 5.3M
├─ 026. Journey to the West 26 - The Monster in the River.pdf - 4.4M
├─ 037. Journey to the West 37 - Missing from Heaven.pdf - 3.4M
├─ 031. Journey to the West 31 - Guanyin's Vase.pdf - 5.9M
├─ 025. Journey to the West 25 - Powerful Wind Magic.pdf - 3.9M
└─ 022. Journey to the West 22 - A Very Strange Pill.pdf - 5.1M
├─ Journey to the West 练习.pdf - 296.9KB
└─ Journey to the West 生词.pdf - 1.6M