└─ 老友记.1-10季+重聚特辑1080P ->
  ├─ ⭐看美剧学英语⭐《老友记》全十季视频音频剧本台词大合集 ->
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      └─ 老友记全十季 ->
        ├─ 字幕 ->
          ├─ 第二季 ->
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            ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 130.9KB
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          ├─ 第三季 ->
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            ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 86.6KB
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            └─ Friends.第19.eng.ass - 110.5KB
          ├─ 第十季 ->
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            ├─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 153.3KB
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          ├─ 第九季 ->
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            ├─ Friends.S01E18.chs&eng.ass - 79.1KB
            ├─ Friends.S01E08.eng.ass - 109.1KB
            └─ Friends.S01E08.chs&eng.ass - 74.9KB
          ├─ 第八季 ->
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            ├─ Friends.S08E08.eng.ass - 117.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E20.eng.ass - 135.3KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E08.chs&eng.ass - 82.5KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E10.eng.ass - 125.3KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E01.eng.ass - 114.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E15.eng.ass - 110.6KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E13.eng.ass - 118.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E10.chs&eng.ass - 87.5KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E14.chs&eng.ass - 80.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E15.chs&eng.ass - 77.4KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E02.eng.ass - 113.3KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E21.eng.ass - 121.4KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E18.eng.ass - 117.5KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E12.chs&eng.ass - 79.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E22.eng.ass - 112.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E23.chs&eng.ass - 86.2KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E09.eng.ass - 119.3KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E11.eng.ass - 113.6KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E21.chs&eng.ass - 84.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E13.chs&eng.ass - 82.8KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E17.eng.ass - 107.5KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E16.eng.ass - 102.6KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E05.chs&eng.ass - 86.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E03.chs&eng.ass - 80.8KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E09.chs&eng.ass - 83.5KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E07.eng.ass - 114.8KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E19.eng.ass - 110.6KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E17.chs&eng.ass - 75.2KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E06.eng.ass - 118.5KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E04.chs&eng.ass - 78.8KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E12.eng.ass - 114.2KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E03.eng.ass - 115.4KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E14.eng.ass - 115.6KB
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            ├─ Friends.S08E11.chs&eng.ass - 79.7KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E23.eng.ass - 120.8KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E04.eng.ass - 112.6KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E24.chs&eng.ass - 65.8KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E20.chs&eng.ass - 94.9KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E07.chs&eng.ass - 80.6KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E01.chs&eng.ass - 79.8KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E18.chs&eng.ass - 82.4KB
            ├─ Friends.S08E16.chs&eng.ass - 71.2KB
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            └─ Friends.S08E22.chs&eng.ass - 79.1KB
          └─ 将视频与字幕文件改成相同的名字,下载播放,不会的自行百度。 ->
        ├─ 老友记 第二季 ->
          ├─ Friends.第07.eng.ass - 115.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.eng.ass - 110.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.eng.ass - 134.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.chs&eng.ass - 87.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.eng.ass - 104.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.chs&eng.ass - 80KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.eng.ass - 116.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.chs&eng.ass - 93KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.chs&eng.ass - 84.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.chs&eng.ass - 82.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.chs&eng.ass - 76.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.chs&eng.ass - 76.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.chs&eng.ass - 85.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.chs&eng.ass - 81.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.eng.ass - 121.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.eng.ass - 119.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.chs&eng.ass - 84.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.chs&eng.ass - 82.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.eng.ass - 126.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.chs&eng.ass - 89KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.chs&eng.ass - 87.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 115.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.eng.ass - 124.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.eng.ass - 114.8KB
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          ├─ Friends.第24.chs&eng.ass - 77.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 115.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.eng.ass - 121.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.chs&eng.ass - 81.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.chs&eng.ass - 81KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.eng.ass - 113.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.chs&eng.ass - 81.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.eng.ass - 120.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.eng.ass - 115.6KB
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          ├─ Friends.第22.eng.ass - 142.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.chs&eng.ass - 86.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 83KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.eng.ass - 109.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.chs&eng.ass - 82.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.eng.ass - 117.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.eng.ass - 117.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.chs&eng.ass - 77.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.eng.ass - 110.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.chs&eng.ass - 78.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.eng.ass - 123.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.eng.ass - 139.9KB
          └─ Friends.第08.eng.ass - 115.8KB
        ├─ 老友记 第一季 ->
          ├─ Friends.第01.eng.ass - 115.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.eng.ass - 125.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.eng.ass - 127.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 130.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.chs&eng.ass - 81.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第25.eng.ass - 106.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.eng.ass - 124.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 129.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.chs&eng.ass - 79.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.chs&eng.ass - 80.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.eng.ass - 127.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.eng.ass - 114.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.chs&eng.ass - 90.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.eng.ass - 134.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.chs&eng.ass - 85.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.eng.ass - 120.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.eng.ass - 116.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.eng.ass - 122.4KB
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          ├─ Friends.第09.chs&eng.ass - 89.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.eng.ass - 123.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.chs&eng.ass - 82.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.eng.ass - 120.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.eng.ass - 114.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.eng.ass - 116.8KB
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          ├─ Friends.第05.chs&eng.ass - 84.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.eng.ass - 117.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 89.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.chs&eng.ass - 87.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.chs&eng.ass - 77.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.eng.ass - 131.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.chs&eng.ass - 86.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.eng.ass - 125.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第25.chs&eng.ass - 81.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.chs&eng.ass - 83.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.chs&eng.ass - 86.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.eng.ass - 130.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.eng.ass - 127.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.chs&eng.ass - 73.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.eng.ass - 100.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.chs&eng.ass - 86.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.chs&eng.ass - 83.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.chs&eng.ass - 83.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.chs&eng.ass - 88.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.eng.ass - 111.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.eng.ass - 121.3KB
          └─ Friends.第19.chs&eng.ass - 85.3KB
        ├─ 老友记 第十季 ->
          ├─ Friends.第20.chs&eng.ass - 80.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.eng.ass - 115.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.chs&eng.ass - 77.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.eng.ass - 130.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.eng.ass - 121.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.eng.ass - 122.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.chs&eng.ass - 78.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.chs&eng.ass - 78.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.chs&eng.ass - 78KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.eng.ass - 120.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.chs&eng.ass - 81.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.eng.ass - 125.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.eng.ass - 131.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.eng.ass - 123.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.chs&eng.ass - 79.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.eng.ass - 121.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.chs&eng.ass - 81.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.chs&eng.ass - 80.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.chs&eng.ass - 81.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.chs&eng.ass - 88.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.chs&eng.ass - 80.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.eng.ass - 115.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 86.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.eng.ass - 116KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 112.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.eng.ass - 111.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.chs&eng.ass - 78.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.chs&eng.ass - 81.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.eng.ass - 117.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.eng.ass - 116.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.chs&eng.ass - 77.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.eng.ass - 143.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.chs&eng.ass - 80.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.eng.ass - 115.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.chs&eng.ass - 81KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.eng.ass - 106.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.chs&eng.ass - 83.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.eng.ass - 114.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第25.chs&eng.ass - 80.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 136.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.chs&eng.ass - 75.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.chs&eng.ass - 75.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.chs&eng.ass - 77.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.eng.ass - 127KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.eng.ass - 120.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.chs&eng.ass - 78.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.eng.ass - 119.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.chs&eng.ass - 83.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第25.eng.ass - 113.8KB
          └─ Friends.第19.eng.ass - 110.5KB
        ├─ 老友记 第八季 ->
          ├─ Friends.第15.eng.ass - 128KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.chs&eng.ass - 89.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第17E18.chs&eng.ass - 320.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.eng.ass - 149.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.chs&eng.ass - 95.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.chs&eng.ass - 111KB
          ├─ Friends.第17E18.eng.ass - 245.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 97.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.chs&eng.ass - 98.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.chs&eng.ass - 107.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.eng.ass - 166.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.chs&eng.ass - 113.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.eng.ass - 167.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.eng.ass - 150.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.chs&eng.ass - 115.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.eng.ass - 140KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.chs&eng.ass - 113.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.eng.ass - 152.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.eng.ass - 151.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.eng.ass - 128.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.chs&eng.ass - 107.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.eng.ass - 155.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.eng.ass - 164.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.chs&eng.ass - 103.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.eng.ass - 191.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.eng.ass - 160.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.chs&eng.ass - 102.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.chs&eng.ass - 107KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.chs&eng.ass - 89.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 139.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.eng.ass - 137.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 153.3KB
          └─ Friends.第14.chs&eng.ass - 104.4KB
        ├─ 老友记 第九季 ->
          ├─ Friends.第08.eng.ass - 148.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.eng.ass - 126.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第23E24.chs&eng.ass - 231.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.chs&eng.ass - 116.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.eng.ass - 136.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.chs&eng.ass - 100.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.eng.ass - 137.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.chs&eng.ass - 98.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 130.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.eng.ass - 131.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.chs&eng.ass - 93.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.chs&eng.ass - 93.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.eng.ass - 124.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.chs&eng.ass - 89.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.chs&eng.ass - 95.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.chs&eng.ass - 96.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.chs&eng.ass - 127.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 91.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 172.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.chs&eng.ass - 92.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.eng.ass - 142.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.eng.ass - 163.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.eng.ass - 138.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.chs&eng.ass - 104.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.chs&eng.ass - 97.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.eng.ass - 159.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.chs&eng.ass - 121.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.chs&eng.ass - 88KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.chs&eng.ass - 100.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.chs&eng.ass - 114.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.eng.ass - 142.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.eng.ass - 142.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.chs&eng.ass - 97.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.chs&eng.ass - 99.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.chs&eng.ass - 99.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.eng.ass - 167.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.chs&eng.ass - 113.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.chs&eng.ass - 112KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.eng.ass - 132.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.eng.ass - 141.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第23E24.eng.ass - 336.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.eng.ass - 166.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.eng.ass - 141.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.eng.ass - 133.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.eng.ass - 184.8KB
          └─ Friends.第18.eng.ass - 139.1KB
        ├─ 老友记 第五季 ->
          ├─ Friends.第03.chs&eng.ass - 75.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.chs&eng.ass - 79.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.eng.ass - 101.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.eng.ass - 96.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 103.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.eng.ass - 104.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.chs&eng.ass - 80.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.chs&eng.ass - 83KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.chs&eng.ass - 84.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.chs&eng.ass - 79.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.eng.ass - 100.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.eng.ass - 112.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.eng.ass - 120.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.chs&eng.ass - 76.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.eng.ass - 102.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.chs&eng.ass - 79.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.chs&eng.ass - 79.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.eng.ass - 124KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.eng.ass - 121.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.eng.ass - 101.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.eng.ass - 109.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.eng.ass - 128.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.eng.ass - 107.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.chs&eng.ass - 77.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.eng.ass - 102.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.eng.ass - 121.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.eng.ass - 115.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.chs&eng.ass - 78.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.eng.ass - 111.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.chs&eng.ass - 76.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.chs&eng.ass - 79.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.eng.ass - 116.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.chs&eng.ass - 78.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 69.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.chs&eng.ass - 79.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.chs&eng.ass - 70.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.eng.ass - 104.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.chs&eng.ass - 75.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 101.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.eng.ass - 110.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.chs&eng.ass - 76.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.chs&eng.ass - 81.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.eng.ass - 123.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.chs&eng.ass - 75.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.chs&eng.ass - 69.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.eng.ass - 104.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.chs&eng.ass - 74.3KB
          └─ Friends.第05.chs&eng.ass - 68.9KB
        ├─ 老友记 第七季 ->
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          ├─ Friends.第10.chs&eng.ass - 84.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.chs&eng.ass - 85.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.eng.ass - 111.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.eng.ass - 111.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.chs&eng.ass - 89.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.eng.ass - 115.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.eng.ass - 113.2KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.eng.ass - 108.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.chs&eng.ass - 86KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.eng.ass - 102.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.chs&eng.ass - 81.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.chs&eng.ass - 85KB
          ├─ Friends.第18.eng.ass - 114.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.eng.ass - 109.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.eng.ass - 109.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第08.chs&eng.ass - 83.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.eng.ass - 107.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第03.chs&eng.ass - 85.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第07.chs&eng.ass - 82.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.eng.ass - 106.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第14.chs&eng.ass - 76KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.chs&eng.ass - 71.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第01.chs&eng.ass - 81.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第05.chs&eng.ass - 84.3KB
          ├─ Friends.第24.chs&eng.ass - 75.5KB
          ├─ Friends.第10.eng.ass - 113.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.eng.ass - 107.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第22.chs&eng.ass - 75.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.eng.ass - 112.8KB
          ├─ Friends.第06.chs&eng.ass - 84.6KB
          ├─ Friends.第23.chs&eng.ass - 79.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.eng.ass - 110KB
          ├─ Friends.第21.eng.ass - 102KB
          ├─ Friends.第19.chs&eng.ass - 77.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第09.chs&eng.ass - 81.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第13.eng.ass - 112KB
          ├─ Friends.第15.chs&eng.ass - 82.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第11.eng.ass - 117.1KB
          ├─ Friends.第17.chs&eng.ass - 77.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.eng.ass - 101.4KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.chs&eng.ass - 82.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第20.eng.ass - 120.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第02.chs&eng.ass - 74.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第16.eng.ass - 113.9KB
          ├─ Friends.第12.eng.ass - 94.7KB
          ├─ Friends.第04.eng.ass - 114.6KB
          └─ Friends.第06.eng.ass - 113.4KB
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          ├─ Friends.S01E13.chs&eng.ass - 85.8KB
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        ├─ 老友记 第四季 ->
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        ├─ 老友记 第三季 ->
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    ├─ 重点难点分析.doc - 512KB
    ├─ 跟着美剧《老友记》学英语.pdf - 46.7M
    ├─ 全10季六人行老友记英文剧本台词.pdf - 20.7M
    └─ 六人行老友记经典美剧十季全台词剧本.pdf - 13.2M
  ├─ SE04 ->
    ├─ 05 ->
      ├─ 【501】The One After Ross Says RachelSY.pdf - 574.1KB
      ├─ 【517】The One With Rachel's Inadvertant KissSY.pdf - 832.9KB
      ├─ 【521】The One With The BallSY.pdf - 880.5KB
      ├─ 【504】The One Where Phoebe Hates PBSSY.pdf - 923.4KB
      ├─ 【519】The One Where Ross Can't FlirtSY.pdf - 691.6KB
      ├─ 【507】The One Where Ross Moves InSY.pdf - 868.9KB
      ├─ 【516】The One With A CopSY.pdf - 1.1M
      ├─ 【518】The One Where Rachel SmokesSY.pdf - 823.8KB
      ├─ 【513】The One With Joey's BagSY.pdf - 760.9KB
      ├─ 【506】he One With The YetiSY.pdf - 849.3KB
      ├─ 【509】The One With Ross's SandwichSY.pdf - 941.6KB
      ├─ 【502】The One With All The KissingSY.pdf - 1.2M
      ├─ 【511】The One With All The ResolutionsSY.pdf - 979KB
      ├─ 【505】The One With All the KipsSY.pdf - 934KB
      ├─ 【522】The One With Joey's Big BreakSY.pdf - 1.4M
      ├─ 【512】The One With Chandler's Work LaughSY.pdf - 928.4KB
      ├─ 【508】The One With The Thanksgiving FlashbacksSY.pdf - 860.8KB
      ├─ 【515】The One With The Girl Who Hits JoeyySY.pdf - 526.3KB
      ├─ 【523+524】The One In VegasSY.pdf - 2.1M
      ├─ 【520】The One With The Ride AlongSY.pdf - 619.3KB
      ├─ 【514】The One Where Everyone Finds OutSY.pdf - 675.6KB
      ├─ 【503】The One HundredthSY.pdf - 958KB
      └─ 【510】The One With The Inappropriate SisterSY.pdf - 1M
    ├─ 02 ->
      ├─ 【202】The One With the Breast MilkSY.pdf - 444.1KB
      ├─ 【209】The One With Phoebe's DadSY.pdf - 558KB
      ├─ 【201】The One With Ross' New GirlfriendSY.pdf - 696.6KB
      ├─ 【218】The One Where Dr.Remore DiesSY.pdf - 305.1KB
      ├─ 【214】The One With the Prom VideoSY.pdf - 311.3KB
      ├─ 【213】The One After the Superbow2SY.pdf - 499.6KB
      ├─ 【212】The One After the SuperbowlSY.pdf - 585.2KB
      ├─ 【203】The One Where Mr Heckles DiesSY.pdf - 439.3KB
      ├─ 【220】The One Where Old Yeller DiesSY.pdf - 343.7KB
      ├─ 【221】The One With the Two BulliesSY.pdf - 264.5KB
      ├─ 【207】The One Where Ross Finds OutSY.pdf - 382.5KB
      ├─ 【205】The One With Five Steaks and an EggplantSY.pdf - 556.3KB
      ├─ 【217】The One Where Eddie Moves InSY.pdf - 258.4KB
      ├─ 【206】The One With the Baby on the BusSY.pdf - 453.1KB
      ├─ 【219】The One Where Old Yeller DiesSY.pdf - 635.7KB
      ├─ 【210】The One With RussSY.pdf - 511.5KB
      ├─ 【208】The One With the ListSY.pdf - 446.8KB
      ├─ 【216】The One Where Joey Moves OutSY.pdf - 306KB
      ├─ 【215】The One Where Rachel and RossSY.pdf - 313.5KB
      ├─ 【211】The One With the Lesbian WeddingSY.pdf - 457.1KB
      ├─ 【222】The One With the Two PartiesSY.pdf - 290.9KB
      ├─ 【223】The One With the Chicken PoxSY.pdf - 246.5KB
      ├─ 【224】The One With Barry and MindySY.pdf - 229.9KB
      └─ 【204】The One With Phoebe's HusbandSY.pdf - 637.6KB
    ├─ 08 ->
      ├─ 【815】The One With The Birthing VideoSY.pdf - 827.1KB
      ├─ 【809】The One With The RumorSY.pdf - 1.3M
      ├─ 【817】The One With The Tea LeavesSY.pdf - 856KB
      ├─ 【805】The One With Rachel’s DateSY.pdf - 666.5KB
      ├─ 【813】The One Where Chandler Takes a BathSY.pdf - 603.2KB
      ├─ 【812】The One Where Joey Dates RachelSY.pdf - 827KB
      ├─ 【810】The One With Monica’s BootsSY.pdf - 653.1KB
      ├─ 【823+824】The One Where Rachel Has A BabySY.pdf - 981.9KB
      ├─ 【811】The One With Ross’Big Step ForwardSY.pdf - 741KB
      ├─ 【804】The One With The VideotapeSY.pdf - 492.7KB
      ├─ 【821】The One With The Cooking ClassSY.pdf - 882.1KB
      ├─ 【820】The One With The Baby ShowerSY.pdf - 1.1M
      ├─ 【806】The One With The Halloween PartySY.pdf - 855.7KB
      ├─ 【816】The One Where Joey Tells RachelSY.pdf - 791.8KB
      ├─ 【801】The One After I DoSY.pdf - 471.4KB
      ├─ 【814】The One With The Secret ClosetSY.pdf - 806.5KB
      ├─ 【807】The One With The StainSY.pdf - 458.1KB
      ├─ 【822】The One Where Rachel Is LateSY.pdf - 664.4KB
      ├─ 【802】The One With The Red SweaterSY.pdf - 1M
      ├─ 【818】The One In MassapequaSY.pdf - 1.2M
      ├─ 【803】The One Where Rachel Tells…SY.pdf - 671.3KB
      ├─ 【808】The One With The StripperSY.pdf - 752.8KB
      └─ 【819】The One With Joey’s InterviewSY.pdf - 668.1KB
    ├─ 03 ->
      ├─ 【309】The One With The FootballSY.pdf - 288.3KB
      ├─ 【322】The ScreamerSY.pdf - 254.6KB
      ├─ 【318】The One With The Hypnosis TapeSY.pdf - 253.9KB
      ├─ 【324】The One With The Ultimate Fighting ChampionSY.pdf - 310.8KB
      ├─ 【325】The One At The BeachSY.pdf - 282.3KB
      ├─ 【314】The One With Phoebe's Ex-PartnerSY.pdf - 268.1KB
      ├─ 【304】The One with the Metaphorical TunnelSY.pdf - 263.6KB
      ├─ 【312】The One With All The JealousySY.pdf - 223.3KB
      ├─ 【310】The One Where Rachel QuitsSY.pdf - 268.2KB
      ├─ 【323】The One With Ross's ThingSY.pdf - 263.1KB
      ├─ 【316】The One The Morning AfterSY.pdf - 242.2KB
      ├─ 【321】A Chick and a DuckSY.pdf - 331.2KB
      ├─ 【320】The One With The DollhouseSY.pdf - 220.4KB
      ├─ 【302】The One Where No-one's ReadySY.pdf - 243.7KB
      ├─ 【313】The One Where Monica and Richard Are FriendsSY.pdf - 261KB
      ├─ 【307】The One With the Race Car BedSY.pdf - 281.1KB
      ├─ 【303】The One With the JamSY.pdf - 246.5KB
      ├─ 【301】The One With the Princess Leia FantasySY.pdf - 277.6KB
      ├─ 【315】The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A BreakSY.pdf - 259.9KB
      ├─ 【311】The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which SisterSY.pdf - 274.9KB
      ├─ 【319】The One With The Tiny TSY.pdf - 290.5KB
      ├─ 【317】The One Without The Ski TripSY.pdf - 421.9KB
      ├─ 【306】The One With The FlashbackSY.pdf - 224.3KB
      ├─ 【308】The One With The Giant Poking DeviceSY.pdf - 222.9KB
      └─ 【305】The One With Frank JrSY.pdf - 3M
    ├─ 10 ->
      ├─ 【1004】The One With The CakeSY.pdf - 606.9KB
      ├─ 【1014】The One With Princess ConsuelaSY.pdf - 714.7KB
      ├─ 【1007】The One With The Home StudySY.pdf - 682.6KB
      ├─ 【1005】The One Where Rachel's Other Sister BabysitsSY.pdf - 711.9KB
      ├─ 【1015】The One Where Estelle DiesSY.pdf - 900.4KB
      ├─ 【1011】The One Where The Stripper CriesSY.pdf - 1.4M
      ├─ 【1009】The One With The Birth MotherSY.pdf - 755.5KB
      ├─ 【1010】The One Where Chandler Gets CaughtSY.pdf - 777.5KB
      ├─ 【1017+1018】The Last OneSY.pdf - 1.1M
      ├─ 【1012】The One With Phoebe's WeddingSY.pdf - 832.7KB
      ├─ 【1003】The One With Ross's TanSY.pdf - 609.7KB
      ├─ 【1016】The One With Rachel's Going Away PartySY.pdf - 638.5KB
      ├─ 【1002】The One Where Ross Is FineSY.pdf - 546.4KB
      ├─ 【1013】The One Where Joey Speaks FrenchSY.pdf - 1M
      ├─ 【1006】The One With Ross's GrantSY.pdf - 944KB
      ├─ 【1008】The One With The Late ThanksgivingSY.pdf - 1011.9KB
      └─ 【1001】The One After Joey and Rachel KissSY.pdf - 646.6KB
    ├─ 07 ->
      ├─ 【704】The One With Rachel’s AssistantSY.pdf - 1M
      ├─ 【705】The One With The Engagement PictureSY.pdf - 838.5KB
      ├─ 【701】The One With Monica’s ThunderSY.pdf - 700.8KB
      ├─ 【712】The One Where They’re Up All NightSY.pdf - 1.1M
      ├─ 【711】The One With All The CheesecakesSY.pdf - 816KB
      ├─ 【721】The One With The VowsSY.pdf - 292.4KB
      ├─ 【706】The One With The Nap PartnersSY.pdf - 836.4KB
      ├─ 【713】The One Where Rosita DiesSY.pdf - 943.3KB
      ├─ 【720】The One With Rachel’s Big KissSY.pdf - 1.3M
      ├─ 【702】The One With Rachel’s BookSY.pdf - 1M
      ├─ 【718】The One With Joey’s AwardSY.pdf - 876.7KB
      ├─ 【723+724】The One With Chandler and Monica’s WeddingSY.pdf - 1.5M
      ├─ 【716】The One With The Truth About LondonSY.pdf - 723.5KB
      ├─ 【710】The One With the Holiday ArmadilloSY.pdf - 1.1M
      ├─ 【707】The One With Ross’s Library BookSY.pdf - 989.9KB
      ├─ 【715】The One With Joey’s New BrainSY.pdf - 992.4KB
      ├─ 【722】The One With Chandler’s DadSY.pdf - 1.6M
      ├─ 【708】The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like DogsSY.pdf - 912KB
      ├─ 【709】The One With All The CandySY.pdf - 597.5KB
      ├─ 【714】The One Where They All Turn ThirtySY.pdf - 739.6KB
      ├─ 【703】The One With Phoebe’s CookiesSY.pdf - 1.2M
      ├─ 【719】The One With Ross and Monica’s CousinSY.pdf - 1.3M
      └─ 【717】The One With The Cheap Wedding DressSY.pdf - 458.1KB
    ├─ 04 ->
      ├─ 【422】The One With The Worst Best Man EverSY.pdf - 435.5KB
      ├─ 【414】The One With Joey’s Dirty DaySY.pdf - 748.1KB
      ├─ 【401】The One with the JellyfishSY.pdf - 222.9KB
      ├─ 【404】The One With The Ballroom DancingSY.pdf - 317.5KB
      ├─ 【415】The One With All The RugbySY.pdf - 424.7KB
      ├─ 【417】The One With The Free PornSY.pdf - 602.2KB
      ├─ 【407】The One Where Chandler Crosses a LineSY.pdf - 309.8KB
      ├─ 【423+424】The One With Ross's Wedding - The Uncut VersionSY.pdf - 1.9M
      ├─ 【416】The One With The Fake PartySY.pdf - 675.2KB
      ├─ 【418】The One With Rachel’s New DressSY.pdf - 642.3KB
      ├─ 【403】The One With The CuffsSY.pdf - 314.9KB
      ├─ 【402】The One With The CatSY.pdf - 258.1KB
      ├─ 【420】The One With All the Wedding DressesSY.pdf - 348.9KB
      ├─ 【405】The One With Joey's New GirlfriendSY.pdf - 413.9KB
      ├─ 【410】The One With The Girl From PoughkeepsieSY.pdf - 473.6KB
      ├─ 【413】The One With Rachel’s CrushSY.pdf - 835.9KB
      ├─ 【419】The One With All The HasteSY.pdf - 456.6KB
      ├─ 【412】The One With The EmbryosSY.pdf - 726.1KB
      ├─ 【408】The One With Chandler in a BoxSY.pdf - 413.3KB
      ├─ 【411】The One With Phoebe’s UterusSY.pdf - 621.2KB
      ├─ 【421】The One With The InvitationSY.pdf - 377KB
      ├─ 【406】The One With The Dirty Girl.pdf - 303.1KB
      └─ 【409】The One Where They’re Gonna PARTYSY.pdf - 602KB
    ├─ 01 ->
      ├─ 【110】The One With the MonkeySY.pdf - 632.9KB
      ├─ 【104】The One With George StephanopoulosSY.pdf - 1017.5KB
      ├─ 【108】The One Where Nana Dies TwiceSY.pdf - 548.2KB
      ├─ 【107】The One With the BlackoutSY.pdf - 1.3M
      ├─ 【114】The One With the Candy HeartsSY.pdf - 527.5KB
      ├─ 【111】The One With Mrs BingSY.pdf - 489.5KB
      ├─ 【106】The One With the ButtSY.pdf - 519.1KB
      ├─ 【115】The One With the Stoned GuySY.pdf - 567KB
      ├─ 【101】The One Where Monica Gets a New RoommateSY.pdf - 815.3KB
      ├─ 【109】The One Where Underdog Gets AwaySY.pdf - 600.4KB
      ├─ 【121】The One With The Fake MonicaSY.pdf - 697.8KB
      ├─ 【119】The One Where the Monkey Gets AwaySY.pdf - 736.3KB
      ├─ 【117】The One With Two PartsSY.pdf - 795.6KB
      ├─ 【112】The One With the Dozen LasagnesSY.pdf - 580.9KB
      ├─ 【120】The One With the Evil OrthodontistSY.pdf - 560.7KB
      ├─ 【113】The One With the BoobiesSY.pdf - 594.6KB
      ├─ 【102】 One With the Sonogram at the EndSY.pdf - 634KB
      ├─ 【123】The One With the BirthSY.pdf - 517.6KB
      ├─ 【118】The One With All The PokerSY.pdf - 930KB
      ├─ 【124】The One Where Rachel Finds OutSY.pdf - 581.5KB
      ├─ 【103】The One With the ThumbSY.pdf - 632.5KB
      ├─ 【122】The One With the Ick FactorSY.pdf - 488.3KB
      ├─ 【105】The One With the East German Laundry DetergentSY.pdf - 727.9KB
      └─ 【116】The One With Two PartsSY.pdf - 630.4KB
    ├─ 06 ->
      ├─ 【615+616】The One That Could Have BeenSY.pdf - 1.1M
      ├─ 【611】The One With The Apothecary TableSY.pdf - 572.6KB
      ├─ 【605】The One With Joey’s PorscheSY.pdf - 493.9KB
      ├─ 【608】The One With Ross’s TeethSY.pdf - 622.3KB
      ├─ 【601】The One After VegasSY.pdf - 695.1KB
      ├─ 【618】The One Where Ross Dates A StudentSY.pdf - 592.9KB
      ├─ 【624+625】The One With The ProposalSY.pdf - 1.1M
      ├─ 【609】The One Where Ross Got HighSY.pdf - 753.7KB
      ├─ 【604】The One Where Joey Loses His InsuranceSY.pdf - 952.9KB
      ├─ 【602】The One Where Ross Hugs RachelSY.pdf - 538.5KB
      ├─ 【607】The One Where Phoebe RunsSY.pdf - 662.4KB
      ├─ 【612】The One With The JokeSY.pdf - 521.9KB
      ├─ 【606】The One On The Last NightSY.pdf - 300.2KB
      ├─ 【619】The One With Joey’s FridgeSY.pdf - 843KB
      ├─ 【621】The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth’s DadSY.pdf - 509.1KB
      ├─ 【603】The One With Ross’s DenialSY.pdf - 660.6KB
      ├─ 【613】The One With Rachel’s SisterSY.pdf - 698.6KB
      ├─ 【610】The One With The RoutineSY.pdf - 610.4KB
      ├─ 【614】The One Where Chandler Can’t CrySY.pdf - 936.3KB
      ├─ 【623】The One With The RingSY.pdf - 1.3M
      ├─ 【617】The One With The UnagiSY.pdf - 916.4KB
      ├─ 【620】The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.SY.pdf - 556.4KB
      └─ 【622】The One Where Paul’s The ManSY.pdf - 713.8KB
    └─ 09 ->
      ├─ 【904】The One With The SharksSY.pdf - 615.3KB
      ├─ 【917】The One With The Memorial ServiceSY.pdf - 653.6KB
      ├─ 【902】The One Where Emma CriesSY.pdf - 750.8KB
      ├─ 【918】The One With The LotterySY.pdf - 584.5KB
      ├─ 【914】The One With The Blind DatesSY.pdf - 588.2KB
      ├─ 【921】The One At The Fertility ClinicSY.pdf - 980.8KB
      ├─ 【920】The One With The Soap Opera PartySY.pdf - 714.9KB
      ├─ 【910】The One With Christmas In TulsaSY.pdf - 510.3KB
      ├─ 【907】The One With Ross's Inappropriate SongSY.pdf - 891KB
      ├─ 【916】The One With The Boob JobSY.pdf - 741.3KB
      ├─ 【911】The One Where Rachael Goes Back to WorkSY.pdf - 735.3KB
      ├─ 【908】The One With Rachel's Other SisterSY.pdf - 810.7KB
      ├─ 【909】The One With Rachel's Phone NumberSY.pdf - 643.3KB
      ├─ 【923+924】The One In BarbadosSY.pdf - 1M
      ├─ 【905】The One With Phoebe's Birthday DinnerSY.pdf - 838.9KB
      ├─ 【919】The One With Rachel's DreamSY.pdf - 623.3KB
      ├─ 【906】The One With The Male NannySY.pdf - 941.6KB
      ├─ 【915】The One With The MuggingSY.pdf - 1M
      ├─ 【901】The One Where No One ProposesSY.pdf - 521.4KB
      ├─ 【913】The One Where Monica SingsSY.pdf - 668.4KB
      ├─ 【903】The One With The PediatricianSY.pdf - 767.8KB
      ├─ 【922】The One With The DonorSY.pdf - 555.2KB
      └─ 【912】The One With Phoebe's RatsSY.pdf - 581.8KB
  ├─ SE01 ->
    ├─ 02 ->
      ├─ 211 The One With the Lesbian Wedding.doc - 91.5KB
      ├─ 204 The One With Phoebe's Husband.doc - 69.5KB
      ├─ 212 The One After the Superbowl part 1.doc - 70KB
      ├─ 209 The One With Phoebe's Dad.doc - 75.5KB
      ├─ 220 The One Where Old Yeller Dies.doc - 91.5KB
      ├─ 219 The One Where Eddie Won't Go.doc - 87KB
      ├─ 221 The One With the Two Bullies.doc - 88.5KB
      ├─ 222 The One With the Two Parties.doc - 77.5KB
      ├─ 223 The One With the Chicken Pox.doc - 79.5KB
      ├─ 202 The One With the Breast Milk.doc - 71.5KB
      ├─ 203 The One Where Mr. Heckles Dies.doc - 81KB
      ├─ 205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant.doc - 88KB
      ├─ 210 The One With Russ.doc - 96KB
      ├─ 215 The One Where Rachel and Ross... You Know.doc - 70KB
      ├─ 224 The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding.doc - 77.5KB
      ├─ 218 The One Where Dr. Remore Dies.doc - 74.5KB
      ├─ 208 The One With the List.doc - 84.5KB
      ├─ 216 One Where Joey Moves Out.doc - 75.5KB
      ├─ 214 The One With the Prom Video.doc - 77.5KB
      ├─ 201 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend.doc - 85KB
      ├─ 213 The One After the Superbowl part 2.doc - 74KB
      ├─ 217 The One Where Eddie Moves In.doc - 75KB
      ├─ 206 The One With the Baby on the Bus.doc - 69KB
      └─ 207 The One Where Ross Finds Out.doc - 68.5KB
    ├─ 09 ->
      ├─ 906 The One With The Male Nanny.doc - 126.5KB
      ├─ 905 The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner.doc - 112.5KB
      ├─ 904 The One With The Sharks.doc - 94.5KB
      ├─ 923 The One In Barbados.doc - 276KB
      ├─ 916 The One With The Boob Job.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 910 The One With Christmas In Tulsa.doc - 106KB
      ├─ 901 The One Where No One Proposes.doc - 106KB
      ├─ 917 The One With The Memorial Service.doc - 107KB
      ├─ 913 The One Where Monica Sings.doc - 132.5KB
      ├─ 907 The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song.doc - 107KB
      ├─ 912 The One With Phoebe's Rats.doc - 102.5KB
      ├─ 911 The One Where Rachael Goes Back to Work.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 915 The One With The Mugging.doc - 131KB
      ├─ 908 The One With Rachel's Other Sister.doc - 113KB
      ├─ 922 The One With The Donor.doc - 130.5KB
      ├─ 921 The One At The Fertility Clinic.doc - 121.5KB
      ├─ 918 The One With The Lottery.doc - 103.5KB
      ├─ 919 The One With Rachel's Dream.doc - 125.5KB
      ├─ 903 The One With The Pediatrician.doc - 105KB
      ├─ 909 The One With Rachel's Phone Number.doc - 101KB
      ├─ 920 The One With The Soap Opera Party.doc - 122.5KB
      ├─ 902 The One Where Emma Cries.doc - 114KB
      └─ 914 The One With The Blind Dates.doc - 106.5KB
    ├─ 05 ->
      ├─ 521 The One With The Ball.doc - 113KB
      ├─ 501 The One After Ross Says Rachel.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 519 The One Where Ross Can't Flirt.doc - 113KB
      ├─ 507 The One Where Ross Moves In.doc - 96KB
      ├─ 508 The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks.doc - 96KB
      ├─ 512 The One With Chandler's Work Laugh.doc - 96KB
      ├─ 504 The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS.doc - 89.5KB
      ├─ 514 The One Where Everyone Finds Out.doc - 94.5KB
      ├─ 520 The One With The Ride Along.doc - 99.5KB
      ├─ 502 The One With All The Kissing.doc - 90.5KB
      ├─ 505 The One With All the Kips.doc - 89KB
      ├─ 522 The One With Joey's Big Break.doc - 117KB
      ├─ 515 The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey.doc - 92.5KB
      ├─ 509 The One With Ross's Sandwich.doc - 90KB
      ├─ 511 The One With All The Resolutions.doc - 91.5KB
      ├─ 506 The One With The Yeti.doc - 92KB
      ├─ 503 The One Hundredth.doc - 100.5KB
      ├─ 516 The One With A Cop.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 523-524 The One In Vegas.doc - 212KB
      ├─ 513 The One With Joey's Bag.doc - 97KB
      ├─ 510 The One With The Inappropriate Sister.doc - 99KB
      ├─ 517 The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss.doc - 91.5KB
      └─ 518 The One Where Rachel Smokes.doc - 99.5KB
    ├─ 03 ->
      ├─ 320 The One With The Dollhouse.doc - 92.5KB
      ├─ 304 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel.doc - 97.5KB
      ├─ 311 The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister.doc - 105.5KB
      ├─ 322 The One With The Screamer.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 310 The One Where Rachel Quits.doc - 95.5KB
      ├─ 321 The One With A Chick. And A Duck.doc - 101KB
      ├─ 301 The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 309 The One With The Football.doc - 104KB
      ├─ 302 The One Where No-one's Ready.doc - 103KB
      ├─ 306 The One With The Flashback.doc - 90KB
      ├─ 305 The One With Frank Jr..doc - 92.5KB
      ├─ 323 The One With Ross's Thing.doc - 93KB
      ├─ 312 The One With All The Jealousy.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 317 The One Without The Ski Trip.doc - 105KB
      ├─ 303 The One With the Jam.doc - 91KB
      ├─ 319 The One With The Tiny T-shirt.doc - 92KB
      ├─ 308 The One With The Giant Poking Device.doc - 92.5KB
      ├─ 318 The One With The Hypnosis Tape.doc - 96.5KB
      └─ 307 The One With the Race Car Bed.doc - 91.5KB
    ├─ 07 ->
      ├─ 723-724 The One With Chandler and Monica’s Wedding.doc - 183.5KB
      ├─ 711 The One With All The Cheesecakes - 712 The One Where They’re Up All Night.doc - 196.5KB
      ├─ 719 The One With Ross and Monica’s Cousin.doc - 100.5KB
      ├─ 715 The One With Joey’s New Brain.doc - 118KB
      ├─ 703 The One With Phoebe’s Cookies.doc - 97KB
      ├─ 709 The One With All The Candy.doc - 98KB
      ├─ 713 The One Where Rosita Dies.doc - 107KB
      ├─ 721 The One With The Vows.doc - 98.5KB
      ├─ 701 The One With Monica’s Thunder.doc - 99KB
      ├─ 708 The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs.doc - 95KB
      ├─ 706 The One With The Nap Partners.doc - 103.5KB
      ├─ 717 The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress.doc - 100.5KB
      ├─ 707 The One With Ross’s Book.doc - 93.5KB
      ├─ 714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty.doc - 95.5KB
      ├─ 718 The One With Joey’s Award.doc - 94.5KB
      ├─ 720 The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss.doc - 118.5KB
      ├─ 722 The One With Chandler’s Dad.doc - 98.5KB
      ├─ 705 The One With The Engagement Picture.doc - 99.5KB
      ├─ 702 The One With Rachel’s Book.doc - 91KB
      ├─ 710 The One With the Holiday Armadillo.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 704 The One With Rachel’s Assistant.doc - 101.5KB
      └─ 716 The One With The Truth About London.doc - 117KB
    ├─ 01 ->
      ├─ 122 The One With the Ick Factor.doc - 93KB
      ├─ 106 The One With the Butt.doc - 107KB
      ├─ 105 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent.doc - 95KB
      ├─ 121 The One With The Fake Monica.doc - 85KB
      ├─ 103 The One With the Thumb.doc - 99KB
      ├─ 119 The One Where the Monkey Gets Away.doc - 91.5KB
      ├─ 109 The One Where Underdog Gets Away.doc - 89.5KB
      ├─ 118 The One With All The Poker.doc - 95KB
      ├─ 115 The One With the Stoned Guy.doc - 90KB
      ├─ 112 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot-The Uncut Version).doc - 126.5KB
      ├─ 110 The One With the Monkey.doc - 92KB
      ├─ 113 The One With the Boobies.doc - 87.5KB
      ├─ 111 The One With Mrs. Bing.doc - 98.5KB
      ├─ 123 The One With the Birth.doc - 93.5KB
      ├─ 104 The One With George Stephanopoulos.doc - 97KB
      ├─ 117 The One With Two Parts, Part 2.doc - 107.5KB
      ├─ 102 The One With the Sonogram at the End.doc - 91KB
      ├─ 120 The One With the Evil Orthodontist.doc - 94.5KB
      ├─ 107 The One With the Blackout.doc - 87.5KB
      ├─ 116 The One With Two Parts, part 1.doc - 106KB
      ├─ 124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out.doc - 94.5KB
      ├─ 108 The One Where Nana Dies Twice.doc - 88KB
      └─ 114 The One With the Candy Hearts.doc - 81KB
    ├─ 04 ->
      ├─ 423-424 The One With Ross’s Wedding Parts I and II.doc - 191KB
      ├─ 420 The One With All the Wedding Dresses.doc - 93KB
      ├─ 405 The One With Joey's New Girlfriend.doc - 93.5KB
      ├─ 402 The One With The Cat.doc - 77KB
      ├─ 403 The One With The ‘Cuffs.doc - 98KB
      ├─ 412 The One With The Embryos.doc - 99.5KB
      ├─ 408 The One With Chandler in a Box.doc - 97KB
      ├─ 404 The One With The Ballroom Dancing.doc - 95KB
      ├─ 418 The One With Rachel’s New Dress.doc - 91.5KB
      ├─ 415 The One With All The Rugby.doc - 95.5KB
      ├─ 419 The One With All The Haste.doc - 91.5KB
      ├─ 409 The One Where They’re Gonna PARTY.doc - 98.5KB
      ├─ 406 The One With The Dirty Girl.doc - 99KB
      ├─ 413 The One With Rachel’s Crush.doc - 89.5KB
      ├─ 414 The One With Joey’s Dirty Day.doc - 103.5KB
      ├─ 417 The One With The Free Porn.doc - 100.5KB
      ├─ 411 The One With Phoebe’s Uterus.doc - 92KB
      ├─ 410 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie.doc - 95.5KB
      ├─ 422 The One With The Worst Best Man Ever.doc - 88KB
      ├─ 416 The One With The Fake Party.doc - 96.5KB
      ├─ 407 The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line.doc - 77.5KB
      ├─ 421 The One With The Invitation.doc - 86KB
      └─ 401 The One With The Jellyfish.doc - 80.5KB
    ├─ 06 ->
      ├─ 606 The One The Last Night.doc - 97KB
      ├─ 613 The One With Rachel’s Sister.doc - 97.5KB
      ├─ 621 The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth’s Dad.doc - 105.5KB
      ├─ 614 The One Where Chandler Can’t Cry.doc - 92.5KB
      ├─ 604 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance.doc - 99.5KB
      ├─ 622 The One Where Paul’s The Man.doc - 98KB
      ├─ 607 The One Where Phoebe Runs.doc - 112.5KB
      ├─ 608 The One With Ross’s Teeth.doc - 98KB
      ├─ 617 The One With The Unagi.doc - 90.5KB
      ├─ 624-625 The One With The Proposal.doc - 200KB
      ├─ 620 The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E..doc - 102KB
      ├─ 612 The One With The Joke.doc - 97.5KB
      ├─ 610 The One With The Routinue.doc - 92KB
      ├─ 619 The One With Joey’s Fridge.doc - 102.5KB
      ├─ 611 The One With The Apothecary Table.doc - 98KB
      ├─ 623 The One With The Ring.doc - 99KB
      ├─ 603 The One With Ross’s Denial.doc - 105KB
      ├─ 615 The One That Could Have Been.doc - 97KB
      ├─ 616 The One That Could Have Been.doc - 94.5KB
      ├─ 609 The One Where Ross Got High.doc - 105KB
      ├─ 602 The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel.doc - 119KB
      ├─ 618 The One Where Ross Dates A Student.doc - 115KB
      ├─ 605 The One With Joey’s Porsche.doc - 100.5KB
      └─ 601 The One After Vegas.doc - 100KB
    ├─ 08 ->
      ├─ 816 The One Where Joey Tells Rachel.doc - 97.5KB
      ├─ 804 The One With The Videotape.doc - 99.5KB
      ├─ 806 The One With The Halloween Party.doc - 100KB
      ├─ 810 The One With Monica’s Boots.doc - 174.5KB
      ├─ 813 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath.doc - 102KB
      ├─ 809 The One With The Rumor.doc - 123KB
      ├─ 823 The One Where Rachel Has A Baby part 1-2.doc - 200KB
      ├─ 801 The One After I Do.doc - 106KB
      ├─ 820 The One With The Baby Shower.doc - 138KB
      ├─ 811 The One With Ross’ Big Step Forward.doc - 112.5KB
      ├─ 818 The One In Massapequa.doc - 119KB
      ├─ 808 The One With The Stripper.doc - 98KB
      ├─ 817 The One With The Tea Leaves.doc - 100.5KB
      ├─ 814 The One With The Secret Closet.doc - 103KB
      ├─ 802 The One With The Red Sweater.doc - 105KB
      ├─ 815 The One With The Birthing Video.doc - 104KB
      ├─ 807 The One With The Stain.doc - 88.5KB
      ├─ 822 The One Where Rachel Is Late.doc - 98KB
      ├─ 821 The One With The Cooking Class.doc - 100.5KB
      ├─ 803 The One Where Rachel Tells….doc - 103KB
      ├─ 819 The One With Joey’s Interview.doc - 109.5KB
      ├─ 805 The One With Rachel’s Date.doc - 96.5KB
      └─ 812 The One Where Joey Dates Rachel.doc - 105KB
    └─ 10 ->
      ├─ 1002 The One Where Ross Is Fine.doc - 102.5KB
      ├─ 1015 The One Where Estelle Dies.doc - 107.5KB
      ├─ 1011 The One Where The Stripper Cries.doc - 118KB
      ├─ 1010 The One Where Chandler Gets Caught.doc - 104.5KB
      ├─ 1004 The One With The Cake.doc - 108.5KB
      ├─ 1016 The One With Rachel's Going Away Party.doc - 101.5KB
      ├─ 1009 The One With The Birth Mother.doc - 100.5KB
      ├─ 1001 The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss.doc - 134KB
      ├─ 1008 The One With The Late Thanksgiving.doc - 111.5KB
      ├─ 1006 The One With Ross's Grant.doc - 111.5KB
      ├─ 1017-1018 - The Last One.doc - 199KB
      ├─ 1007 The One With The Home Study.doc - 97KB
      ├─ 1003 The One With Ross's Tan.doc - 107KB
      ├─ 1005 The One Where Rachel's Other Sister Babysits.doc - 118.5KB
      ├─ 1013 The One Where Joey Speaks French.doc - 100KB
      └─ 1014 The One With Princess Consuela.doc - 110.5KB
  ├─ SE09 ->
    ├─ Friends1002.mp3 - 5.4M
    ├─ Friends902.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends401.mp3 - 5M
    ├─ Friends810.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends314.mp3.baiduyun.wma - 1.2M
    ├─ Friends622.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends222.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends918.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends722-23.mp3 - 10.4M
    ├─ Friends211.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends614.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends523-24.mp3 - 9.6M
    ├─ Friends510.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends404.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends420.mp3 - 4.7M
    ├─ Friends913.mp3 - 6.9M
    ├─ Friends405.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends511.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends309.mp3 - 5.1M
    ├─ Friends714.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends802.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends423-24.mp3 - 9.5M
    ├─ Friends602.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends105.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends605.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends512.mp3 - 4.9M
    ├─ Friends619.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends618.mp3 - 4.7M
    ├─ Friends910.mp3 - 5.3M
    ├─ Friends1004.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends504.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends701.mp3 - 5.1M
    ├─ Friends903.mp3 - 5.3M
    ├─ Friends705.mp3 - 5M
    ├─ Friends820.mp3 - 5.4M
    ├─ Friends107.mp3 - 5.1M
    ├─ Friends807.mp3 - 5M
    ├─ Friends501.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends601.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends122.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends906.mp3 - 7.1M
    ├─ Friends620.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends101.mp3 - 3.7M
    ├─ Friends224.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends205.mp3 - 5.2M
    ├─ Friends719.mp3 - 6.1M
    ├─ Friends220.mp3 - 5.1M
    ├─ Friends607.mp3 - 4.8M
    ├─ Friends409.mp3 - 4.8M
    └─ Friends1017-18.mp3 - 10.5M
  ├─ SE02 ->
    └─ 词汇频率表.xls - 4.4M
  └─ 老友记重聚特辑.2021.HD1080p..mp4 - 3.7G
