└─ 新概念英语 剑桥英语 ->
  ├─ 【新东方】初中·新概念英语视频精讲2册【192课时,田静 孙剑】 ->
    ├─ 第二册精讲课堂视频-请打开里面的文件包下载 ->
      ├─ 91-96 ->
        ├─ 94 ->
          ├─ Lesson 94 Future Champions 单词讲解.mp4 - 40.5M
          └─ Lesson 94 Future Champions 课文讲解.flv - 77.4M
        ├─ 96 ->
          ├─ Lesson 96 The dead return 单词讲解.mp4 - 11.7M
          ├─ Lesson 96 The dead return 课文讲解.flv - 62.7M
          └─ 点击查看更多的学习资料.url - 91B
        ├─ 93 ->
          ├─ Lesson 93 A noble gift 单词讲解.mp4 - 17.2M
          └─ Lesson 93 A noble gift 课文讲解.mp4 - 56.7M
        ├─ 92 ->
          ├─ Lesson 92 Asking for trouble 课文讲解.flv - 62.5M
          └─ Lesson 92 Asking for trouble 单词讲解.mp4 - 14.4M
        └─ 95 ->
          ├─ 点击查看更多的学习资料.url - 91B
          ├─ Lesson 95 A fantasy 单词讲解.mp4 - 10M
          └─ Lesson 95 A fantasy 课文讲解.mp4 - 29.3M
      ├─ 71-75 ->
        ├─ 71 ->
          ├─ Lesson 71 A famous clock 单词讲解.mp4 - 13.9M
          └─ Lesson 71 A famous clock 课文讲解.flv - 121.3M
        ├─ 74 ->
          ├─ Lesson 74 Out of the limelight 课文讲解.flv - 89.4M
          └─ Lesson 74 Out of the limelight 单词讲解.mp4 - 29.4M
        ├─ 73 ->
          ├─ Lesson 73 The record-holder 课文讲解.flv - 70.7M
          └─ Lesson 73 The record-holder 单词讲解.mp4 - 15M
        └─ 72 ->
          ├─ Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird 单词讲解.mp4 - 21.7M
          └─ Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird 课文讲解.flv - 80.7M
      ├─ 81-85 ->
        ├─ 81 ->
          ├─ Lesson 81 Escape 单词讲解.mp4 - 12M
          └─ Lesson 81 Escape 课文讲解.mp4 - 24.4M
        ├─ 83 ->
          ├─ Lesson 83 After the elections 课文讲解.flv - 37.7M
          └─ Lesson 83 After the elections 单词讲解.mp4 - 16M
        ├─ 82 ->
          ├─ Lesson 82 Monster or fish 课文讲解.flv - 102.3M
          └─ Lesson 82 Monster or fish 单词讲解.mp4 - 18.3M
        └─ 85 ->
          ├─ Lesson 85 Never too old to learn 单词讲解.mp4 - 25.4M
          └─ Lesson 85 Never too old to learn 课文讲解.flv - 85.7M
      ├─ 56-60 ->
        ├─ Lesson 82 Monster or fish 课文讲解.flv - 102.3M
        └─ Lesson 82 Monster or fish 单词讲解.mp4 - 18.3M
      ├─ 30-35 ->
        ├─ 34 ->
          ├─ Lesson 34 Quick work 单词讲解.mp4 - 9.8M
          └─ Lesson 34 Quick work 课文语法讲解.flv - 57.1M
        ├─ 30 ->
          ├─ Lesson 30 Football or polo 单词讲解.mp4 - 28.9M
          └─ Lesson 30 Football or polo 课文语法讲解.flv - 64.2M
        ├─ 35 ->
          ├─ Lesson 35 Stop thief 课文语法讲解.flv - 93M
          └─ Lesson 35 Stop thief 单词讲解.mp4 - 20.9M
        ├─ 31 ->
          ├─ Lesson 31 Success story 课文语法讲解.flv - 65.4M
          └─ Lesson 31 Success story 单词讲解.mp4 - 22.1M
        └─ 32 ->
          ├─ Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 课文语法讲解.flv - 74.5M
          └─ Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 单词讲解.mp4 - 37.9M
      ├─ 6-9课 ->
        ├─ 91-96 ->
          ├─ 94 ->
            ├─ Lesson 94 Future Champions 单词讲解.mp4 - 40.5M
            └─ Lesson 94 Future Champions 课文讲解.flv - 77.4M
          ├─ 96 ->
            ├─ Lesson 96 The dead return 单词讲解.mp4 - 11.7M
            ├─ Lesson 96 The dead return 课文讲解.flv - 62.7M
            └─ 点击查看更多的学习资料.url - 91B
          ├─ 93 ->
            ├─ Lesson 93 A noble gift 单词讲解.mp4 - 17.2M
            └─ Lesson 93 A noble gift 课文讲解.mp4 - 56.7M
          ├─ 92 ->
            ├─ Lesson 92 Asking for trouble 课文讲解.flv - 62.5M
            └─ Lesson 92 Asking for trouble 单词讲解.mp4 - 14.4M
          └─ 95 ->
            ├─ 点击查看更多的学习资料.url - 91B
            ├─ Lesson 95 A fantasy 单词讲解.mp4 - 10M
            └─ Lesson 95 A fantasy 课文讲解.mp4 - 29.3M
  ├─ 亲,关注更多分享哦.jpg - 39.7KB
  └─ 更多资源,请关注小月闲云.txt等1个文件.txt - 0B
